Tag Archives: Arts

Heart Gallery Blog by Alison Bartram 4th February 2021

    Well hello! Lovely to see you here on this great website although nothing quite beats the physical meeting does it? We are all really missing interaction during these strange and worrying times, aren’t we? The last 11 months has taken its toll on everyone, both physically and mentally so we really need 2021 […]

Hebden Bridge Arts Festival

Hebden Bridge Arts Festival

Quirky and distinctive, Hebden Bridge Arts Festival is an annual celebration of our town’s creativity and unique landscape. We pride ourselves in bringing together locals and visitors alike to enjoy a feast of creativity in magical places and spaces. Now in its 24th year, it’s one of Yorkshire’s longest running arts festivals with a reputation […]

2018 Nonconformism

2018s theme is NONCONFORMISM. Hebden Bridge,Valley of 100 Chapels, cradle of nonconformity past and present. They’ll be welcoming Martin Parr back to talk about his work on the subject and Bob Pegg’s Calderdale Songs 40 years on…send  your ideas and thoughts about the sort of nonconformist activity you’d like to see in this year’s festival […]