'Affordable Rent' with Calder Valley Community Land Trust

12feb7:30 pm9:00 pm'Affordable Rent' with Calder Valley Community Land Trust

Event Details

Priced out of renting in the Calder Valley?

Come and join us on 12 February for our first public meeting of 2024. At this session, we’ll be discussing affordable rent in the Calder Valley.

Affordable rent is an issue across the country but particularly in the Calder Valley where property and rent costs are relatively high compared with wages. Sadly, we hear from people every week who are at risk of losing their rented home or who can’t find affordable rented homes – and this is only getting worse as a result of the cost-of-living crisis.

As a charity, we’re working hard to create more affordable rented homes through a wide range of methods – but an issue like this needs coordinated action at all levels. At this meeting, we’ll hear from a diverse range of speakers who will share their experiences and ideas around affordability. We’ll also discuss how we can all influence change in this area and take individual action.

The public meeting is free to attend, and anyone is welcome. The Town Hall bar will open at 7pm for refreshments and the event will begin at 7.30pm. We hope to see you there!



  • Dom Furby, former CEO of Smartmove (now part of Happy Days UK), will discuss some of the financial barriers that make it hard to access private rented housing and share real-life examples
  • Dr Tom Archer, Sheffield Hallam University, will share research on the affordability of community led housing
  • Nicola Kyser-Forrest and Cath Miller, Calderdale Council, will share more about the housing picture across Calderdale and Council’s role within it

Why attend the meeting?

Our public meetings lead to action. As a direct result of 2022 public meetings, we:

  • Were able to create an affordable rented home that will be available in the summer this year
  • Received a donation of land with housing potential

Through this meeting, we want to bring together organisations and individuals from across Calderdale to look at the roles we all play and find practical solutions to a very real issue that is affecting our community.


(Monday) 7:30 pm - 9:00 pm(GMT+00:00)

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