Pop Up Art At Heptonstall Museum

pop up art at heptonstall museum

Visitors to Heptonstall  leave tributes on Sylvia Plath’s grave in the new graveyard of St. Thomas the Apostle Church. The grave is marked on the map in The Heptonstall Trail, An Ancient Village Explored.

I am one of many who feel the need to ‘tend the grave’ in some way. I am interested in the ‘whys’ and ‘wherefores’ of this activity. I have been forensically documenting my observations since May with detailed notes and photographs, some of which are included in the exhibition.

Sylvia Plath's Grave - exhibition by Carolyn Curtis Magri

Tributes include a red bandana, coins, badges, stones, crystals, flows real, plastic and silk, a glass of wine, wrapping paper, a pink fluffy-topped and other types of pens, sweet papers, pencils, lipsticks, poetry, gold string, a red heart, red ribbon, drawings of Sylvia and Ted Hughes, photographs of Sylvia and postcards from far afield. Some ‘carers’ remove the tributes, some move them so that their placement is more aesthetically pleasing’

Sylvia Plath's Grave - An exhibition by Carolyn Curtis Magri

A selection of local artists, including Carolyn Curtis Magri, are using the Under-croft of Heptonstall Museum on a selection of dates throughout August as a Pop-up space. It is a much underused but valued space and it is felt that its continued use is important for the area. Carolyn is exhibiting a series of digital photographs entitled ‘A Red Bandana and Some Pen Tops’, on 10th, 17th and 24th from 11am – 4pm.