2020 has been a difficult year, to say the least. Floods, pandemics, economic uncertainty. But for some, it’s also been a time of re-evaluation. Of taking a step back. Of rediscovering relationships and the world on the doorstep. Focussing on what’s important.
Health, of course, is most important. But so is joy. Connection with other people. Finding comfort in the environment around you. In the Calder Valley, we are blessed with locals who are friendly, hardworking and community-spirited. We have a wealth of amazing independent businesses, created with love and care by their owners and staff. We have exciting culture, incredible heritage and magnificent landscape. So let’s take a moment to be grateful for and celebrate the places that connect us and give us joy, and let’s commit to playing our part in helping them to survive and thrive. In difficult times, we rally in this Valley!
How do I take part?
It’s easy to do and doesn’t have to cost anything. From Monday 27th July to Sunday 2nd August we will celebrate the places we love in the Calder Valley. On social media, use the hashtag #ILOVE then tag and describe a local place you love and what makes it special, followed by #IWILL to describe one or more specific actions you will personally take to support them. You can also add #WeRallyInThisValley. You could post a selfie of yourself enjoying the place or carrying out your #IWILL pledge. Support can take many forms, not just financial. Moral support and kindness are also valuable. Some ideas for participation are listed below. If you don’t have social media, you could go into, write to or telephone the place you love and make someone’s day by telling them how much it means to you.
The campaign will run for a week with each day having a different theme:
Monday 27th: Independent Shops
Examples of #IWILL support include:
– Telling three friends about an independent shop you love
– Visiting or ordering from an independent shop in the week ahead
– Getting the next present or card you need to buy from an independent shop
– Liking and sharing their content on social media
Tuesday 28th: Heritage
Examples of #IWILL support include:
– Setting a date for a visit to a local heritage site, museum or attraction
– Offering to volunteer
– Buying a membership
– Signing up to the organisation’s newsletter
– Telling friends or family about a local heritage gem they might not know about
– Learning a new fact about your favourite local historical person or place
Wednesday 29th: Music
Examples of #IWILL support include:
– Supporting independent music venues’ campaigns for survival (check out Independent Venue Week’s ‘Independents Day’ campaign)
– Buying tickets for a future gig
– Buying some music
– Finding a new local band to support
– Purchasing a membership or gift vouchers for your local venue
– Sharing their social media content
– Posting about your favourite local gigs
Thursday 30th: My Town
Examples of #IWILL include:
– Taking a walk into your local town centre
– Going somewhere in town you’ve never gone to before
– Sending a message of support to your local sports team
– Sharing three things you love about the town
– Sharing three reasons why you are proud of coming from or living in the town
– Researching the town’s history
– Posting your favourite images of your town
Friday 31st: Culture
Examples of #IWILL include:
– Booking tickets for a future event
– Finding out about local activities
– Telling three friends about a place and why you recommend it
– Buying a book by a local author
– Buying a membership or becoming a Friend
– Looking up some local artists and their work
– Following on social media
– Signing up to their newsletter
Saturday 1st: Local Food and Drink
Examples of #IWILL support include:
– Visiting your local market
– A trip to a local independent bar or pub
– Booking a table for a meal, or ordering takeout from a local independent café or restaurant
– Making a food or drink order from a local independent supplier
– Buying local produce as a gift
– Trying a locally-produced beer or drink instead of your usual order
Sunday 2nd: Outdoors
Examples of #IWILL support include:
– Going for a local walk somewhere new
– Posting a picture of a gorgeous local view
– Taking a carrier bag on your walk to pick up any litter you see
– Volunteering with a local organisation helping the landscape e.g. Slow the Flow, Calderdale Countryside Service or CROWS
– Visiting a local nature reserve
At the end of the week, hopefully we’ll have reignited our love for some familiar places and discovered some new ones – and we’ll remember how lucky we are to live in the glorious Calder Valley.
So – get ready!
Where do YOU love, and what will you do to help it survive and thrive?
#ILOVE #IWILL #WeRallyInThisValley #ReVisitCalderdale #YorkshireTogether