We are not a corridor – we are a community!

Calderdale Corridor Improvement

Hebden Bridge Business Forum wish to draw your URGENT attention to the Calderdale Corridor Improvement Programme.

Plans have been released and a period of public engagement is now open but only until 27th January 2020. Now extended until 14th February.

A series of drop in events have taken place but these were poorly advertised and few residents and business owners had an opportunity to attend.

Hebden Bridge Business Forum Committee members are all local business owners and we unanimously and vehemently oppose the majority of plans within this programme.

We would like to draw attention to these proposals so that other business owners and residents can voice their opinions. You might not agree with us – but we think you should know what is in store.

To make matters worse, these traffic works are scheduled to start just as the Environment Agency are scheduled to start their programme of flood alleviation measures in the town centre.

We don’t believe either the proposed flood works or these so called traffic improvements will help our town. (Please join us at our Crisis Meeting scheduled for Wednesday 12th February, 6pm at the White Lion if you want to know more about the impending flood alleviation works).

Meantime, it is urgent that objections are raised before the engagement period ends on the 27th January.

You can view more information via this website: www.yourvoice.westyorks-ca.gov.uk/ccip2

You can also contact Calderdale Council direct via: yourvoice@westyorks-ca.gov.uk

The scheme is being promoted by Calderdale Council as a means of championing a West Yorkshire Key Route Network. The aim is to improve connectivity and deliver an 8% reduction in journey time from Halifax through to Todmorden. However, the improvement in traffic flow comes at a cost, a cost which we feel local business cannot bear. The plans will see street parking from Machpelah through to Mytholmroyd abolished, together with decreased parking in the town centre itself.

Our major objections are:

*Hebden Bridge is a community and not a corridor – these plans do not address the needs of our local community but prioritise the larger towns.

*Emphasis seems to be placed on getting as much traffic as possible through the valley as fast as possible – which will have a negative impact on health and safety and emissions, as opposed to improving conditions for residents.

*Reducing parking in the town centre will have a major detrimental impact on business and trade. It will also make it harder for people to work in the town and of course deter visitors.

*Removing parking along Burnley Road for rail commuters will make more people use their cars to commute as opposed to using the trains.

*All this work is a major cost (£5.09 million!!) and not a priority for local business – we want more people visiting and stopping in the town not driving through faster.

* The timing is obscene – starting in Autumn 2020 – just as the EA flood works are due to commence. We have suffered 3 years of disruption in Mytholmroyd – which has been the major cause of congestion in the valley – we need a rest not more works and disruption.

*Speeding up and promoting this “corridor” will divert more HGVs to use the route as opposed to the M62 – which again affects safety and pollution in the valley. Many local residents and traders are quite happy for the A646 to remain a country A road and do not want a faster, busier trunk road to change the character of our “corridor” communities.

*One way traffic on Commercial Street will push more traffic into the heart of the town centre.

*Other than spend money changing the town’s one way systems, why not invest in acquiring land for park and ride schemes. There are sites suitable at Walkely Cloggs, Mayroyd Mill or out by the turning circle. Edge of town parking will greatly relieve congestion in the town centre whilst providing for the needs of local people and visitors.

Please view these plans and voice your opinion – it’s our community – not their corridor!