HBBF Networking Event

11sep6:00 pm8:00 pmHBBF Networking Event

HBBF networking event

Event Details

A community working together will build a greater community….let’s do it!

About this Event


We hope you have this date in your diary, please bring a guest if you think they will benefit from the meeting and hopefully join up in supporting hebdenbridge.org.

The emphasis this time will be to “Shout about your business” whether you’re in retail or services. Everyone will be offered a 1 minute pitch to present their business. It is important that we are all fully aware of the breadth of industry available in our valley. We want to promote closer relationships because working together, sharing knowledge and promoting each other are the most effective ways to thrive, especially in these uncertain times.

Don’t worry we won’t mention the B word!! ……or roadworks!!

We will be presenting a new price structure for our sponsors at the meeting, which should help to increase interest and commitment. Our chair, Alison, will introduce the new tier structure followed by an open forum. We value your feedback and would love to hear your fantastic suggestions. There will be a business card draw for a fabulous prize (probably some form of alcohol)!


(Wednesday) 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm(GMT+00:00)

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