A Victorian artist paints Hebden Bridge

08jan7:30 pmA Victorian artist paints Hebden Bridge

landscape paintings at Methodist church 8th Jan

Event Details

Discovering the landscape, paintings of John Holland

Diana Monahan and Justine Wyatt

In 1869, at the White Horse in Hebden Bridge, there was an exhibition and sale of sixty-one paintings of the area by established landscape artist John Holland. This talk will focus especially on ‘View of Hebden Bridge from Fairfield’ which captures Hebden Bridge at a time of considerable change.

Both Diana and Justine are long-standing and active members of HBLHS. Their interests include walking the local landscape, and this has fed their historical researches. Diana began by researching the area around her own house, but has expertise in many areas; Justine has published her research into local water-powered industry and Fustianopolis.

Methodist Church, Market St. Hebden Bridge. 7.30. Free to members; £3 for visitors.



(Wednesday) 7:30 pm(GMT+00:00)


Methodist Church

Market Street, Hebden Bridge

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