Historic Narrow Boat Club Gathering

25mayAll Day27Historic Narrow Boat Club Gathering

Historic narrowboat event

Event Details

Bank holiday weekend 25th to 27th May 2019 about 40 smart-looking and colourful historic boats from all over the country’s canal system will have arrived in our town. Stroll down the towpath, bring your camera, talk to the owners and learn about the boats and their history.

In addition, David Lowe, owner of a historic boat, is an international organist, who usually plays on Wurlitzer organs in places such as cinemas, ballrooms, and town halls. There is no Wurlitzer in Hebden Bridge so David will be playing the church organ at:

St James The Great, Church Lane, HX7 6DS.

Saturday 25th May at 4pm

The short concert, lasting just under an hour,

includes light music selections.

Free admission with a retiring collection in aid of the organ at St James’

organ recital at narrowboat event


may 25 (Saturday) - 27 (Monday)(GMT+00:00)


Hebden Bridge

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