Hebden Bridge WI Awesome Autumn Rag Market
19oct10:30 am4:00 pmHebden Bridge WI Awesome Autumn Rag Market

Event Details
Hebden Bridge Rag Market is a Faberdashery of Haberdashery! A twice yearly market selling all you need to inspire your creativity. An eclectic collection of stalls
Event Details
Hebden Bridge Rag Market is a Faberdashery of Haberdashery! A twice yearly market selling all you need to inspire your creativity.
An eclectic collection of stalls selling fabrics, yarn, buttons, vintage crafting products, discontinued textiles, tweeds and a selection of materials for crafting that you never knew you needed…. until you find it!
A market at three venues, The Waterfront Room in Hebden Bridge Town Hall, The Egg Factory, Victoria Road and Northlight Studios, Hangingroyd Lane.
£1 Entry gives access to all venues. Entry free for crafty young things under 16.
Dog friendly!
Infamous WI cake, jam and refreshments at the Egg Factory
Refreshments also available at the Town Hall
SATURDAY 19th Oct 2019, 10.30AM – 4PM
(Saturday) 10:30 am - 4:00 pm(GMT+00:00)