Planning ahead really helps when you have accessibility needs. We have been working with the Hebden Bridge Disability Access Forum HBDAF, to give a little insight into getting around Hebden Bridge. This is a work in progress, we hope to be adding maps and much more in the near future

Hebden Bridge Disability Access Forum (HBDAF) formed in 2016, and aims to improve access to life in general for people with a wide range of disabilities in the Hebden Bridge area. We have 25 members who collectively have extensive expertise on all sorts of access issues, through our vast lived experience of disability. We are happy to consult with anyone and everyone about access issues, and to provide information and advice.

We meet at 2.30pm on the third Monday of each month in Hebden Bridge Town Hall (fully accessible). Membership is open to all self identified disabled people who live in, work in or visit the area. Participation in the forum can also take place by email, a Google group or telephone. For further information contact June Tel.  01422 844914 or Email